Alert readers may have noticed that No-sword hasn’t been updated in almost a year. The reason is hubris. The solution is to give up and start again.
To explain: No-sword ran on a monstrous tangle of scripts and YAML parsers written by me in Ruby and running on my home computer. When I set up this system, I assumed that updating and relocating it as necessary would be no big deal. I could just handle it the way I handled all programming tasks: Work at it for hours and hours over the weekend until it was done.
Now, though, I have kids.
I gave myself an entire year, but I was not able to find the time to maintain my decade-old codebase. Time to give up and move to WordPress. And rather than spending another year not finding the time to import my old posts into the database (remember, they’re in a custom YAML format, and half of them were ineptly screen-scraped from an old Blogger account), I decided to just start a new blog.
So, welcome to No-sword Zoku. Is that Zoku in the sense of “continued” (続), or in the sense of “vulgar, popular, common” (俗)? The answer is yes.
Good to see you’re posting again. I just found out about this, three months late, by clicking on your name on languagehat. Given the lack of comments, I wonder if I’m the first to do so… Is the old blog too uncooperative to even add a post directing readers over here? (Not that that would have helped me much, since the RSS feed there hasn’t worked for me since December 2015, but it probably works for other people, and even I’d have eventually checked.)
Thanks! You may well be the first to notice. I did consider manually editing the old page to redirect people here, but the problem is I haven’t managed to get back into the groove of posting HERE either… I figured an 18-month hiatus is probably better overall than a 12-month hiatus followed by 2 posts and then another 6-month hiatus, if you see what I mean.
> I just found out about this, three months late, by clicking on your name on languagehat.
Me too. Except seven months late.
> Is that Zoku in the sense of “continued” (続), or in the sense of “vulgar, popular, common” (俗)? The answer is yes.
Dang, I thought it was 族, as in the No-sword clan.
Naw, that zoku is Marxy’s turf…
I too, am late to the party. Good to see your posts again!