
Edith Aldridge on syntax

Your East Asian (and Austronesian!) treasure trove of the day: Dr Edith Aldridge's "Publications" page. Her two papers on Chinese historical syntax are a great 80-page overview of the topic and a fine complement to Pulleyblank's invaluable but more lexeme-centric Outline of Classical Chinese Grammar. Her papers on word order in hentai kanbun also make worthwhile reading if you care about that topic (and I do!). And she's put it all online for free, because she's on the side of good.

Popularity factor: 3


Do you have access to "Hentai Kambun Perspective on Short Scrambling?" The link leads me to a login screen; I'm guessing that's not intentional…


I asked the author and it seems that the journal where it was published does restrict public access, but she was awesome enough to send me a copy.



Aime la vérité, mais pardonne à l'erreur

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