
Bigibigi Ekting Ebriweya

The Charles Darwin University Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages is "a digital archive of endangered literature in Indigenous languages of the Northern Territory". This site is amazing; I'm sure that pretty much everyone reading this will understand the appeal of a giant headline reading "Click on the map to start looking at books."

You can also browse by language, author, or just title. For example, there are 69 books in Gupapuyŋu, a Dhuwal dialect of Yolŋu. Here's a not-bad online dictionary of Gupapuyŋu, or you could download Beulah Lowe's dictionary [PDF]; I wasn't able to find a decent online resource for grammar.

Or there are 101 books in Kriol, such as the truly great Bigibigi Ekting Ebriweya ("Pigs Acting (Like People) Everywhere").

Special bonus: Rripangu Yirdaki: Negotiating Musical Identities in a Northeast Arnhem Land Tourism Business, Philip Abraham Clark's 2011 thesis for "the degree of Master of Music in Music with a concentration in Musicology" (I'm not sure but I think that this field of study may have something to do with music).

ETA: "Who will teach our* languages?", by John Hobson. Footnote reference: "* Because all Australians should accept responsibility for keeping them alive." You can also go ahead and download (for free) Re-awakening languages: theory and practice in the revitalisation of Australia's indigenous languages, edited by Hobson + Kevin Lowe, Susan Poetsch, and Michael Walsh.

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