
Missionary linguistics

Toyoshima Masayuki 豊島正之's page on Missionary Linguistics

has been established in the hope of providing fundamental resources and tools of "Missionary Linguistics" for international cooperative researches [...]

The domain name "joao-roiz.jp" is named after the portuguese missionary Father João Rodriguez Tçuzu ("Tçuzu" meant "interpreter" in Japanese those days), who wrote the very first Japanese grammars in Latin grammatical tradition, Arte da Língoa de Japam (1604-) and Arte Breve da Língoa Japoa (1620), both published by the Jesuit Mission Press.

It has a dictionary search that includes not only the venerable Vocabulário da língoa de Japam but also the Dictionarium Latino Lusitanicum ac Japonicum.

Ecce, adu.
[P] Lus. Eis aqui, eisque.
[J] Iap. Suua, miyo.

Suwa isn't heard much these days, but it's in the Vocabulário too: "Interjeição de eſpãto." Their example is from the Taiheiki: "Suua core coſo vochǔto naretote" = "O que eſte certo he homẽ q̃ vẽ fugido." "Well! this must be the man who fled."

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This is wonderful, muito obrigado for the link!

Aime la vérité, mais pardonne à l'erreur

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