
Register and read

Given the vehemence and obstinacy with which I advocate for public dissemination of the fruits of academia, it would be ungracious and churlish of me not to note that JSTOR have finally instituted a program giving us plebes limited access to their archives.

They call it Register & Read, and by the full list of participating journals is much more impressive than I expected. Here's a short list of available publications of probable interest to No-sword readers:

  • Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies
  • Japan Review
  • Japanese Journal of Religious Studies
  • Japanese Language and Literature
  • Journal of Japanese Studies
  • Monumenta Nipponica

Thanks, JSTOR and participating journals!

So anyway, I'm reading Edwin McClellan's "The Implications of Soseki's Kokoro" right now. Anyone want to share any other recommendations?

Popularity factor: 10

L.N. Hammer:

Oh yay. Monumenta Nipponica is the one I most often find frustratingly blocked.



Thanks for the heads up on this! Very useful.


I'm assuming that the 5-year wall still applies?


Yep, as far as I can R&R access is a subset of real access. What academic libraries can't see, we can't see either.

SBC: Glad to be of service! Use it vigorously and show that there is demand!

LNH: I know, right? I didn't want to play favorites in the post but it's very exciting to me that MN are on board. Now to start a letter-writing campaign for the Journal of East Asian Linguistics.


Truly great news. I'm really curious about the back-story that made this possible.

As for recommendations, you might find Henry Smith's "The Capacity of Chūshingura" interesting (MN 58:1, 2003).


Thanks for the tip. I linked to this post over on the Japanese Philosophy blog.


And Philosophy East & West! Please!

I don't think Folklore is available?, sadly, otherwise I'd recommend The Exiled Warrior and the Hidden Village. Perhaps there's something else by Blacker?

Tea ceremony afficionados are pointed to this one about æsthetics (not the usual treatment). (by the way, this recent book is awesome.)

Linguistics people: do you get Linguistic Inquiry? I'm reading this great dissertation by Uehara Satoshi (a summary in my blog is forthcoming). When reading academic books, I have a habit of searching who cites it on scholar.google, and in this way I found an interesting discussion between Namai, The Word Status of Japanese Adjectives, and Nishiyama, Morphological Boundaries of Japanese Adjectives: Reply to Namai.


Nope, Folklore has no options to read or purchase. The secrets of the Volk must remain with the Volk.

Since my shelf already had Kokoro and the Chushingura (thanks Azuma!) on it, I skipped straight to "Reply to Namai". I will read the Kumakura article in precisely 11 days!


Usually in the wedding ceremony, the couple will wear the dress as maid of honor accompany the bride around, in order to better harmonization with the new best and wearing a dress or formal dresses. The wedding ceremony, the bride usually at least will choose two sets of Western and Chinese dress, there will be more festive red color.Bridesmaid generally only need a dress on it, style to be generous, not cumbersome.The color of the bridesmaid dresses should not choose red and black


Usually in the wedding ceremony, the couple will wear the dress as maid of honor accompany the bride around, in order to better harmonization with the new best and wearing a dress or formal dresses. The wedding ceremony, the bride usually at least will choose two sets of Western and Chinese dress, there will be more festive red color.Bridesmaid generally only need a dress on it, style to be generous, not cumbersome.The color of the bridesmaid dresses should not choose red and black

Aime la vérité, mais pardonne à l'erreur

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