

So there I was, reading a paper by Paul Kingsbury about dating texts in the Pali Canon based on aorist forms that appears in them [PDF], when I came across this:

I'm no Greek-'n'-Latin-only traditionalist, but I think this is taking academic obscurantism too far. The bunny-ears operator was not covered in any of my stats courses.

It's not as bad as the equation on page 5, though:

Pretty sure I saw that in some ancient Sumatran ruins one time. If I recall correctly it was carved on a blasphemous altar of cyclopean scale, past which my native porters violently refused to proceed.

Still, I have to admire any paper that explains its parameter selection in a footnote that reads, in its entirety, "Why 10? Why not?"

Popularity factor: 2


Mojibake: it's not just for Japanese anymore.


The top equation is pretty easy to parse, the floppy disk is '=', and the peace sign is '-'. It looks like probability distribution of some kind

I've had very similar equation mojibake problems in the past, usually when I'm using LaTeX within Matlab to make technical plots with equations in them, often times the final equations would look similar to the above.

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