I can't believe no-one told me about the CHILDES database of "transcript and media data collected from conversations between young children and their playmates and caretakers." Here's a short conversation from the Japanese section:
1022 *TAI: poppo [>] . 1023 %mor: n:mot|poppo=train . 1024 *TMO: sore [<] kyuukyuusha da yo . 1025 %mor: n:deic:dem|sore n|kyuukyuusha v:cop|da&PRES ptl:fina|yo . 1026 *TAI: kjekje@u [: kyuukyuusha] . 1027 %mor: n|kyuukyuusha . 1028 *TMO: un . 1029 %mor: co:i|un . 1030 *TMO: kyuukyuusha . 1031 %mor: n|kyuukyuusha . 1032 *TMO: pipopipopipopipoo@o tte . 1033 %mor: onoma|pipopipopipopipoo ptl:quot|tte . 1034 *TAI: &=laugh . 1035 *TAI: poppo . 1036 %mor: n:mot|poppo=train .
(Transcription format details [PDF].)
"Train!" "That's an ambulance." "Ambwa." "Right, an ambulance. It goes 'Wee-oo-wee-oo-wee-oo-wee-oo.'" "Haha!... [But seriously,] train." In another transcript this same kid shakes his mother down for two hundred yen while the researcher eggs him on. Confucius wept.
In related news, did you know that out west when parents play peekaboo with their kids, they say "Oran, oran, otta" instead of "Inai, inai, baa"? That's what you get for linking the game to verb forms, I guess. It would be fun if it varied by region in the English-speaking world, too: "Fuckin' peekaboo as, mate," for Oceania, "Hey! I'm peekin' a boo here!" for New York...
Robert Seddon:
Technical glitch: for some reason I'm seeing some comments from /blog/2009/11/big_brother_is_plusunnew.html displayed here on /blog/2009/11/kyekye.html