Tokyo Fiancée, administrivia
My review of Amélie NOTHOMB's new-to-English Tokyo Fiancée is up at Néojaponisme. My verdict: it's fun, but offers insight only into its narrator's psyche. For a dissenting opinion from elsewhere within Japan, try Japan Navigator's take (good comments, too).
In other news, my wife recently opened the Suzunoki Cafe すずの木カフェ five minutes from Chigasaki station. The website is now online (design by fellow Néojaponiste Ian LYNAM, photography by SUZUKI Ayako 鈴木綾子 and MATSUNAGA Naoko 松永直子), so if you're visiting the area this summer, do drop by. (I fought for the spelling すゞの木, but was outvoted.)
Finally, I am tweeting.
Will the Cafe have a comedy night, featuring Edo jokes?