

Latin-alphabet text incorporating a chōonpu (vowel-elongating character) is a fairly common sight in Japan, but I think this is the first time I've ever seen a dakuten (consonant-voicing diacritic) drafted into the legion:

That's Kaf゛une, pronounced kabune. (The Japanese-script version is 海ぶね, implying "sea [i.e. fishing] boat".)

The implied chain of logic here is solid, viz.:

If ふ = /fu/
and ぶ = /bu/
and fu = /fu/
then f゛u = /bu/


Popularity factor: 13


That's so cool :D
I like how it's red to get peoples attention too.

Also I spy a maru on the end of FACE in another sign, so it's clearly a happenin' street.

Is my intense love of the ten-ten somehow wrong?


Little to say except that that's amazing.

It reminds me of a romanization proposal who thought that representing dakutens would make romaji in general more palatable to Japanese. Somehow I think the author was the only one who thought "Wak'ahai wa neko t'e aru" and its ilk would really catch on.


That's a great find. Hilarious! But, logical... Sort of.

language hat:

I join the assembled masses in gawking with awe-struck glee.

Leonardo Boiko:

I see your dakuten way too far from the ‘f’… Was that an attempt at Unicode combining? Here, let me try:


Leonardo Boiko:

Bah, same result. I guess my font rendering system isn’t ready for the awesomeness that is latin with voiced mark.


Leonardo: You should submit a bug report to the Mozilla team. "Attempt to combine Japanese voiced mark with lower-case latin F fails. Expected result: MACARONIC ORTHOGRAPHY."

RS: Yeah, that just makes Japanese look more like Hawaiian than ever. Although Wade-Giles is still in use in some contexts, and it worked in a similar way.

Caf: If that's wrong, I don't wanna be right.


I wonder if the smily face was intentional.


I once tried to explain the difference between the "th" sound in "the" vs. the "th" sound in "thick" by putting a dakuten next to th-in-the. I thought it was a brilliant explanation; I expected to see phonetic satori in the faces of my students, the reward for my what I thought was my single moment of pedagogical insight.

I was met with blank stares. They had no idea what I was getting at.

I STILL think it was a great explanation.

Leonardo Boiko:

pts: it _was_ brilliant, and you English people should just resurrect þ and ð.


Yeah, we were fools to give those up.

I think that was a good idea, PTS. Maybe the digraph thing was throwing them off. I can imagine it being a useful concept to explain the difference between the "-s" in "cats" and the "-s" in "dogs", too, for example.


And this at http://kabune.com/


wtf! haha, i like it =D

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