Edo ranked
Those who need it, brush up on how to read a banzuke, then check out these sumo-style rankings.
- Countries, by population. China is the clear winner. Note the long-abandoned spelling 日耳曼 (pronounced zeruman) for Germany. Prussia's in there too: 普魯土 (puroisu ← Preuß[en]).
- Food and drink. Number one on the right ("nourishing and easy-to-digest") is eggs, closely followed by milk, chicken, and beef. On the left ("unhealthy and difficult to digest") the ōzeki is wild boar, with octopus and whale as runners-up.
- Fools. Scanned a little small for my liking, but includes such fools as ぬす人にあふてほらのけいこするひと ("people who brag [literally 'practice their conch-shell horn playing'] to thieves"), でつちしかつてやつとよけいじやうだんするばんとう ("bosses who scold their apprentices but kid around with the guys"), and いろゆへに心中をして死ぬるひと ("people who kill themselves in double-suicides over some fling").
- Children, good and bad. The good children are on the right, and the best of the best are "children who study hard". On the left, the bad children all look up to their heroes, "children who don't listen to their father and mother". Other bad children of interest include the komusubi, 凧のぼし電信の障害する子 ("children who fly kites and interfere with communications") and one of the maegashira, 犬をけしかける子 ("children who tease dogs").