Urgent update!
The Gubinama corpus has expanded: we now have evidence for how /to:/ is pronounced.
("Thanks for drinking!")
Here Konishi appears to be employing what we might call "megaphonation"; it may be that this is required for long vowels in the Gubinama dialect. Certainly, as we saw last time, short vowels are pronounced with such vigor and expressiveness, with the entire upper body active in some cases, that distinguishing the two varieties could very well be difficult without an unmistakable indicator like this.
Also, is it just me, or is she wearing the same outfit as she was for /bi/ and /ma/ last time? This must be from the same photo shoot. I wonder if they took a "thanks for nothing, you cheap bastards!" sequence, too, just in case.
I imagine they're thanking customers who are no longer there. People who drank the newest "tasty" happoushu only to find out it tastes just as shitty as all the others.