O du Verlegung alles Vergehens in Gang: wie brachtest du's dar
It's difficult for me to understand how anyone can argue against hanzi as a writing system even as they post things like this.
It's difficult for me to understand how anyone can argue against hanzi as a writing system even as they post things like this.
A blog about Japanese language, literature, culture, and art by Matt Treyvaud. (More)
matt at no-sword.jp
This is my personal blog. The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of my employer or anyone else.
Mark S.:
du hättest jäh bei einem hellen Einsehn die Schrift gelesen, deren Zeichen du seit deiner Kindheit langsam in dich eingrubst, von Zeit zu Zeit versuchend, ob ein Satz dabei sich bilde: ach, er schien dir sinnlos.
Er, um, somethin' like that.