DDT and you
So, I found a 50s-vintage Japanese comic book and I thought some of you might enjoy seeing some of it. Believe it or not, this three-page piece is probably the most coherent story in there.
I have taken the liberty of replacing the text with a quick and unelegant, yet arguably quite representative, English translation, which I have punctuated extremely sparsely because I love the way that super-early, unpunctuated English comics read. I know I should have put it all in capitals but I didn't remember until I was almost done. This is one of the many reasons why I am not a typesetter at TokyoPop.
And now, our feature presentation.
Yes, I do think this comic was at least partly sponsored by a person or organization with a financial interest in DDT. The father spends half the comic book wandering around in his DDT kimono. It's pretty punk rock, actually. (Though not as punk rock as storing flour in a box that apparently used to hold DDT.)
More about this tomorrow.
Those rule pretty extensively. I also love how mashing a fly into someone's head because it could be spreading germs is beautifully pointless.