Conversion experience
I can pinpoint the exact panel at which UOZUMI Seiji's Samurai Baseballers won me over. It was this one:

I can pinpoint the exact panel at which UOZUMI Seiji's Samurai Baseballers won me over. It was this one:
A blog about Japanese language, literature, culture, and art by Matt Treyvaud. (More)
matt at
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Are you sure that isn't Mephistopheles, during his big speech?
When such a head as thine no outlet knows,It thinks the end must soon occur.Hail him, who keeps a steadfast mind!Thou, else, dost well the devil-nature wear:Naught so insipid in the world I findAs is a devil in despair.
Ahp. Gonna stop by MuckyD's on the way to work and grab me some "first food"...their specialty, according to one of my students.