
Orbiting literature

Comics: I guess they were just for kids any more after all. Shorter me: I agree entirely with his assessment of Blankets, but I think that his criticisms of Jimmy Corrigan are tied a little too closely to fetishism of the word "novel" and what it has come to imply in a literary sense. "Graphic novel" was, originally, just a marketing term. (More specific counter-argument: JC's design and graphic language is rendered poignant and marvellous by the spareness of the traditional "plot" it shares the book with.)

Fond memories of AD&D.

I had a bit of trouble with undead infestations in the hall of mirrors up there on the top right, but otherwise, I've got very fond memories of the place. At least it kind of hung together - don't forget, I was used to dealing with omnipotent dungeon masters who thought it highly witty if the dungeon corridors, when mapped correctly, spelt the word 'arse'.
And that DM... was me!

John Scalzi on Amazon's new short story e-book thing. You can tell which commenters are real writers -- they're the ones obsessively calculating, down to the last cent, how much they could expect to get paid in various hypothetical situations, and therefore which brand of cup noodle they could afford next year.

Popularity factor: 7


Arioch was always my favorite demi-god. Chaos rulez!


Yeah, what's up with judging a graphic novel as a novel? They have completely different strengths and weaknesses. And I never enjoyed Peter Bagge.Also, the guy's _awfully_ harsh on scifi. For no good reason that I can ascertain.


It's true that most sci-fi is crap, but, as a sci-fi writer famously pointed out, most of anything is crap. (Including "literary fiction".) That's why we have gatekeepers and recommendation networks. To help us find the good stuff. But in this case his opening device sounds to me a little like one of those "listen up you nerds, unlike youse guys I don't even read SCIENCE FICTION, so you KNOW I have taste and refinement. My opinions follow:" things.

(I'm not a huge Peter Bagge fan either, but I've only read Studs Kirby. The art in particular wasn't my thing.)




Don Martin? Is that you?!


Jeez, with your lexicographical skills, any dungeon plundering party'd be lost before they started!


"Not when the psychotic ginger kid in your class was squandering his deity-like powers as a dungeon master to win friends by slapping vorpal blades, cloaks of invisibility and enough gold pieces to hire every mercenary in the county, willy-nilly around flimsy dungeons protected by interestingly dangerous species of moss."

Was this you too? Tell me more about the moss!

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