From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it
Today is the very first day I am officially not allowed to work in Japan. Naturally, some guy offers to give me cold, hard cash in exchange for helping him rent apartments to foreign people. Seriously. Even if I had been in a position to take up his offer, it wouldn't have been long before he realised that the extent of my expertise in that area is "advertise in Metropolis and never, ever charge 'key money'". But still.
I suppose that this will happen every day from now on, and the offers will get better and better. "Basically you just have to read books and talk about them later." "I'm looking for an Australian to taste-test this ice-cream I plan to export." "Being a Federal Breast Inspector isn't easy, but I think you have what it takes."
(For the record, Immigration folks who for some bizarre reason find this page: I said no.)
I may have missed this, but why exactly can't you work while the visa is being processed? And does this explain why you didn't start reapplication three months ago while you were still working?
It comes across like some bad episode of Survivor. "If you can't survive here three months without working, you must go!"