The thirty-three names of Kwan Yin

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Found at Wikipedia and also here: the thirty-three names/titles of Kwan Yin, according to a book from 1783. (The idea that Kwan Yin has thirty-three forms is much older, but I think this might have been the first attempt to actually list them all.) I think I have most of these right, and even if I don't Kwan Yin will save me if worst comes to worst.
- Kwan Yin of the Willows [willows are medicinal]
- Kwan Yin who Rides on the Dragon's Head
- Kwan Yin who Holds a Sutra
- Kwan Yin the Haloed
- Kwan Yin the Playful [rides a cloud]
- Kwan Yin the White-Robed
- Kwan Yin of the Lotus
- Kwan Yin who Watches the Waterfall [which quenches the fire of evil]
- Kwan Yin, the Dispenser of Medicine
- Kwan Yin of the Fish Cage
- Kwan Yin, the Jewel of Virtues [as in The Four]
- Kwan Yin, the Moon which is Reflected in Water [this is a metaphor for the idea that her virtue is reflected in us]
- Kwan Yin of the Single Leaf
- Kwan Yin the Blue-Necked [long story; apparently involves Shiva]
- Kwan Yin, the Influence of Virtue
- Kwan Yin the Long-Lived
- Kwan Yin of the Many Treasures
- Kwan Yin who Guards the Door to the Cave [so that poisonous snakes can't come out. No, really]
- Kwan Yin of the Great Peace
- Kwan Yin of the Refreshing Pond
- Amadai Kwan Yin [it's hard to find a Japanese source for what Amadai means, but I think this page says it translates as "Boundless Mercy and No Fear"]
- Kwan Yin Clothed in Leaves [a reference to some tribe, apparently]
- Kwan Yin of the Lapis Lazuli [saves people in trouble at sea]
- Kwan Yin who Respects the Great One/s
- Kwan Yin of the Clam
- Kwan Yin [who Protects us During] All Six of the Day's Divisions [i.e. all day long]
- Kwan Yin the Universally Merciful
- Kwan Yin, the Horseman's Wife
- Kwan Yin whose Hands are Clasped in Prayer
- Kwan Yin, the Oneness
- Kwan Yin who is Not the Two Deva Kings [and yet she appears as them, and they are fundamentally the same although apparently quite different]
- Kwan Yin who Holds the Lotus
- Kwan Yin, the Anointer