Let the healing begin

At right, a "healing" product. You drive your hands into the green bunny head's temples and then relax. I'm not sure why this is better than just relaxing without your hands inside a pillow, but ours is not to question why.
To fill up space and make the formatting work, I now present the single most stroke-intensive kanji in my entire dictionary:
Not one, not two, but three horse (馬) radicals! Plus a tree (木), which makes a total of thirty-four strokes. This is what gives 䯂 the decisive advantage over its closest three-animal kanji rival, 麤, which only has thirty-three -- three deer (鹿) at eleven strokes each.
Wierd, but I get a unicode error on that one kanji: http://www.unicode.org/cgi-bin/GetUnihanData.pl?codepoint=4BC2&useutf8=false
So what does the word mean?