Irregular Weekly Four 9: 輾転反側
Take it away, "big" tags:
ten ten han soku
squeak roll opposite side
輾転 means "roll over", including "... in bed". And 反側 means "turn over in bed". So the whole thing means "toss and turn many times, i.e. all night". It apparently comes from a famous poem in the 詩經 (Shi Jing or "Book of Odes"):
關關雎鳩 在河之洲
窈窕淑女 君子好逑。
參差荇菜 左右流之。
窈窕淑女 寤寐求之。
求之不得 寤寐思服。
悠哉悠哉 輾轉反側。(etc.)
Which I will now attempt to translate, except substituting robotics for terms I find it difficult to precisely pin down:
The robot waterfowl that go "guan guan!"/ Are in their river country.
The modest lady/ Is a wise man's best companion.
Short and long robot vegetation / On the left and right it goes by.
The modest lady/ Sleeping and waking I seek her.
I seek but do not find/ Sleeping and waking, a slave to my thoughts.
Ah woe, ah woe/ I toss and turn all night. (etc.)
It goes on, but I lost hope.
Do your language skills extend to contemporary Chinese or just classical? Any recommendation for starting out learning classical Japanese? It's long been on my list of things to do, but I've never quite got around to it. I suspect a junior high school kokugo text, might be the easiest way to start out. Any suggestions of texts would be great!