Sorry! Now that a new and improved edition of the infamous, drunken No-sword translation of Natsume Sōseki's Botchan is available for purchase on the Amazon Kindle, I've taken the old, unimproved edition offline and locked it in the attic. The new Chapter One is available at, though.

You should buy my translation of Natsume Sōseki's Botchan, the first chapter of which is included to the right as a sample.

Yes! My breakneck, two-fisted translation of Botchan, one of the funniest novels in modern Japanese literature, has been given a comprehensive going-over — but one careful to preserve the profanity and urgency of the first edition! — and made available for Kindle and who knows what else. (I guess I'll update this later.)

That's right: a Botchan translated to connect you, the contemporary reader, to the sublime Meiji raconteurage of Natsume Sōseki, on the e-reader of your choice, formatted for human eyes by actual designers.

Whether you're a tough old Japan hand who still remembers the Bubble, a visiting English teacher digging for the roots of modern Japan, or a college freshman taking Japanese Lit 101, this is the e-book for you. How indeed could it be otherwise? (Answer: It could not.)

So, why not read the sample chapter at If you like it, allow me to humbly suggest that you buy the whole thing and read it either at your leisure or on your commute.

Once you are done, you might want to head back to the main No-sword blog.

E-mail me at: matt at no-sword dot jp

Oh yeah, and this is the text I worked from. Thanks also to Blogger, on whose free blogging platform the first edition of this translation was made available, and to all the commenters and e-mailers pointing out errors and opportunities for improvement.